Smokers! It’s Time To Quit Smoking – 7 Steps To Quit Entirely

Smokers! It’s Time To Quit Smoking – 7 Steps To Quit Entirely

Smokers often will give reasons why they smoke as to manage emotions, mood, unpleasant feelings, even the feeling of coldness. Smokers also link smoking with social activities, peer group influence too. But, no matter what reasons might be, it cannot make up for the dangerous health risks associated with smoking.

Smoking becomes habitual at the long run and often it becomes difficult to quit. It is always better not to start than to try to stop. But the good news is that you can quit if you make up your mind and commit to quitting.

Smokers run a risk of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), even untimely death. Studies have shown that smoking causes stroke and coronary heart disease, which are actually among the leading causes of death in the United States.

It can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. It is also causes about 84% of deaths from lung cancer as well as 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Smoking one to four cigarettes a day can triple your risk of dying from lung cancer. And social smoking is particularly bad for your heart, as bad as regular smoking.

It’s time to Quit: 7 Steps To Quit Entirely

1. Identify the triggers for nacotine craving

First thing first! To quit smoking, one thing is paramount and that is to identify what triggers your craving for smoking including specific situations, activities, feelings, and people. Solutions come when you have identified these triggers and begin to take steps to handle them.

2. Have a plan

Everything that must work must have a workable plan. Now that you have successful identified the things that trigger your craving for smoking, you got to have a plan to overcome all these triggers.

3. Schedule a date for quitting 

This aspect requires your personal commitment, discipline, and firm believe in yourself that you can do it. This prepares your subconsciously. You can pick a date within the next month. It doesn’t really have to be a special day.

Write this date conspicuously and paste it somewhere and look at it everyday before the date with kin admiration. Let your resolve to quit everyday build as you get closer.

Smokers! It’s Time To Quit Smoking – 7 Steps To Quit Entirely

4. Think, profess, confess positively about quitting

I believe greatly in the power of positive thinking and confession. First see yourself as a non smoker, then begin to talk to yourself  especially when those triggers strike. Say things like this to yourself “not anymore with smoking“, “I can have a better, healthier life without smoking“, “I can quit today“, “nothing can stop me now“, “wow, I love me life“. When you do this often especially before and after the quit date, you are setting up a wall against smoking.

Read Also: Tips to Maintain and Cope After Quitting Nicotine

5. Tell friends, family, colleagues about it

Choose people who you can trust. People you believe can be very supportive this time, tell them about your desire to quit. It can be easier for smokers who are quitting when they have support especially from loved ones. Let them know your plan to quit and the can support you.

They can be handy in distracting you, listening to you as you share your struggles with them and this makes the struggles lighter for you.

But ensure that your conversation at this time is light to avoid raising tensions about quitting.

6. Consider nicotine replacement therapy

Smokers are really aware of the fact that smoking is an oral addiction and so when they quit, their brain still craves the oral sensation of the cigarette. As part of your plan to quit entirely, get quitting aids such as gum, patches and lozenges. They have been very well to help quitters become nicotine-free.

7. Avoid all smoking craving triggers

Cravings for smoking like other addictions are usually triggered by events, people, places, pressures, even the smell of cigarette. So, it’s time to avoid these triggers. It’s time to start redefining your relationships. Going back to smoking again after all the efforts is possible if you will not define things for yourself. So, get involved with relationships that will help you stay away from cravings for smoking.

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